Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Returning to Menu after running .img
started by: 1ZERO

Posted by 1ZERO on Jul. 14 2004,04:54
Like many I'm using EasyBoot to build a utility CD. I have Hard Drive and Memory diagnostics and Antivirus tools.

My issue is that after running the selected tool [eg. Memory Diagnostic] and hitting X, Esc, or whatever to exit the utility, then I'm at a Promt or the system reboots.

Is there a way within EasyBoot, or has anyone found a way to edit .img files to have the EasyBoot menu come back up to run another .img? Would a "run xxx.img;cdmenu.ebz work for this?

On another note, I'm a little disappointed in the programs documentation. I hope this would be addressed in future release. Things like what is being answered this forum should be included.

Also I'm finding links in the forum for all manner of .img files that I've been tring to make myself. Is there a master list of the files that have already been figured out and made?

Posted by xoben on Jul. 16 2004,04:59
There is a small tool named in c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot folder, which can reboot your PC and recall boot menu very fast.

PS: CD-ROM should be the first bootable device in this case.