Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: TrueImage Server
started by: yak1604

Posted by yak1604 on Jan. 05 2004,21:17
I would like to make TrueImage Server 7 run from the Easyboot menu.  However, the server version adds a sixth diskette (therefore a timage6.bin file.)  The current seed file which has been distributed for TrueImage 7 is just small enough that it cannot accomodate the sixth file.  Could someone please publish a new seed file, or give me instructions for how to create such a file on my own.  Any help would be appreciated.

Posted by martinx on Jan. 05 2004,22:26
It's easy to create one by yourself:

1) Use 'Tools->Create New Image', and set the old 'acroseed.img' as seed image, select image size as '8640' and click 'Create'
2) Extract all files from old 'acroseed.img' and add them to '8640.img' by WinImage, you can get a larger size folppy image to hold TrueImage server.
Posted by yak1604 on Jan. 06 2004,23:07
Even after making a new seed image and putting all the correct files in it for TIS7, the Easyboot menu will not boot it.  Since the .img file is much oversized (from a standard 1.44mb disk), I cannot simply plug it into Virtual PC to see what error message it might return.  I press the button to boot the image and it hits the CD very briefly then does nothing else.  Anyone made this work or have any suggestions?
