Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Easy Recovery
started by: krudy33

Posted by krudy33 on Mar. 22 2015,15:34
Anyone know how to get easy recovery essentials working
the isos windows 7 repair windows 8 repair and stuff.  think they are based off of grub

Posted by balder on Mar. 23 2015,04:42

Quote: "Anyone know how to get easy recovery essentials working"

Could be, but this is not freeware what I can understand ??? So I'm stuck at this point :(

regards balder

Posted by balder on Mar. 26 2015,07:15

I have found a ISO of 'Easy.Recovery.Essentials.Pro'
I have a solution as well

Do it this way:

1. Use my script 'EasyBoot-ISO.script' to integrate Easy.Recovery.Essentials.Pro.ISO  
Yes you can use ISO as it is no need to extract anything :)
Note: make sure to not use any space in names or path to ISO-file :O

2. Don't tick 'Run ISO From RAM' in script (no need to load ISO to ram)

3. You automatically get the right menu command by script to use in EasyBoot menu (copy and paste to EasyBoot menu) :;):

4. Solution works to both CD\DVD unit as from USB stick (or even USB hard drive as well) :cool:

regards balder