Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Starting .Img files with parameters?
started by: balkanac

Posted by balkanac on Mar. 03 2004,16:41
Hello there,

I was playing with the trial version of Easyboot (this thing rocks!) and i was curious if it's possible to startup .img files by passing parameters. The bcdw... wizard form Reanimatolog can do something like that.

So let's just say that i have one .img file compiled with little tiny DOS tools. I would like to start each time with different parameters.

I build a easyboot menu system

let's say:

Menu choice 1:
cd /;run myonlyimagefile.img myprogram1.exe

Menu choice 2:
cd /;run myonlyimagefile.img myprogram2.exe

and so on.

Would that work? or do i have to combine this with
bcdw.bin like

cd /;run bcdw.bin myonlyimagefile.img myprogram2.exe

in order to work

thanks a lot

Posted by xoben on Mar. 03 2004,18:31
I was playing with the trial version of Easyboot (this thing rocks!) and i was curious if it's possible to startup .img files by passing parameters. The bcdw... wizard form Reanimatolog can do something like that.

Sorry, easyboot cannot pass parameters to .IMG file. You can create a BCDW script with right tweaks and use 'run bcdw.bin' to do so.
Posted by balkanac on Mar. 21 2004,08:56
Thanks for your reply.

Would that be a possible option for the future versions?

I saw also a possibility with isolinux (which would give you an idea of implementing similar code in ezboot... cause it's open source)

take a look at the following thread:

< >

I think building such a feature to ezboot wouldn't be a big problem.

I just think if bcdw.bin or memdisk or isolinux can do it then it's time to build this feature in version 5.0 of ezboot.

good luck[B]