Forum: UltraISO
Topic: iso versus bin/cue
started by: t.shuffle

Posted by t.shuffle on Jan. 30 2005,13:30
I have noticed that an *.iso image is typically smaller than a *.bin image of the same CD.

Is this because there is some information that is being left behind, or is it due to some sort of compression?

I prefer the .iso format, but I would rather use whatever is the most accurate.
Posted by xoben on Jan. 30 2005,19:38
1) .ISO images stores user data only; .BIN images keeps more information such as sync bytes, EDC and ECC.
2) In general, sync bytes, EDC and EDC can be reproduced based on user data, so .ISO image is the same accurate as .BIN image
3) For some copy-protected CDs, there are secret information hidden in EDC & ECC, even sub-channel area. CCD (CloneCD) format is recommanded to backup this kind of CDs.