Forum: UltraISO
Topic: Get ISO image file listing?
started by: kevcof

Posted by kevcof on Feb. 09 2005,15:31

I've checked the forums here, and can't seem to find an answer to this question.  

I want to get a brief listing (a "view") of the contents of an ISO image, similar to what can be done using the UNZIP -V command with a zip file, which will provide a listing/sort by Crc/Date/Name/Size, etc.   I need to pipe that listing out to a text file for further inspection and handling.

I looked at the command line help for UltraISO and did not see such an option.  I understand there are a number of 'hidden' command line switches for UltraISO, and am hoping someone knows of one that does what I want.

ALternatively, if it is possible to invoke the UltraISO Check CD/DVD Tools from a command line, thereby allowing automatic comparison of MD5 signatures, then that would also accomplish what i need to do, since I'm trying to automate comparing a duplicated CD to its original ISO file.

I'd like to avoid having to go find some other application to do this, since I use, and like, UltraISO.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Posted by xoben on Feb. 09 2005,21:03
Thanks kevcof for your suggestion. This feature will be included at next version of UltraISO very soon.
Posted by kevcof on Feb. 10 2005,08:50
Thanks, xoben, for your response.

So, does this mean that there is no way to access the Tools->Check CD/DVD disc functionality via the command line or via some other API that is perhaps hidden?  Please let me know if there is any way to do this with the current release or if, as you say, I need to wait until a future release.

You can also send me email at kevin.coughlan@p.c if you wish to send something in place of posting to this forum.

[NOTE: Just replace the "p.c" domain in the email address above with "" -- I aliased the address in this reply to avoid bots that grep newsgroups in order to gather email addresses to spam. Thanks!]

Thanks again,
Posted by xoben on Feb. 10 2005,21:42
Please let me know if there is any way to do this with the current release or if, as you say, I need to wait until a future release.

Sorry, this fature is not available at current release of UltraISO.