Forum: UltraISO
Topic: v9.x Where are it's settings stored?
started by: highend

Posted by highend on Jun. 03 2009,06:12

the v8.x versions stored their settings under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyBoot Systems\UltraISO]

I'cant find any files | Registry keys for the v9.x versions though can you please enlighten me where the v9.x stores their settings?


Posted by xoben on Jun. 04 2009,03:09
Same place at [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyBoot Systems\UltraISO\5.0].
Posted by highend on Jun. 04 2009,04:34
Mh, only the installed UltraISO saves it's settings in the registry. If I use it in portable mode (with the uikey.ini in the same directory for the license information) nothing is stored in the registry.

Can you modify the behaviour of UltraISO in a future version so that it writes a (config).ini file in it's current directory where it stores it's settings (under the circumstance that a valid uikey.ini file is present in it's directory)?

That would make it even more "portable" :)


Posted by xoben on Jun. 07 2009,22:07
Since version 8.66, UltraISO can read configuration from ultraiso.ini (Can export current options by Ctrl+Alt+E).

You may also use ultraiso.ini to save/load configuration by change install="-1".