Forum: UltraISO
started by: wwr

Posted by wwr on May 28 2012,23:30
Application:  UltraISO Premium v.

I am having a problem with this version which did not exist in previous versions:

Going to "Options... Configuration... Virtual Drives", any attempt to change the "Number of devices" (upon hitting "OK"), or to utilize the "Detect" function, produces the following message: "File Viewer Not Found".

Any hints you could provide would be appreciated.

Thanks for your assistance... WWR

Posted by pusaqall on May 29 2012,02:29
I remember changing some settings under File System Properties. I am not sure though what it is, but you can take a look.
Posted by wwr on May 29 2012,03:19
Thanks Pusaqall, for your reply to my inquiry:

"Going to "Options... Configuration... Virtual Drives", any attempt to change the "Number of devices" (upon hitting "OK"), or to utilize the "Detect" function, produces the following message: "File Viewer Not Found".

I am sorry, but I have no idea what your reply ("I remember changing some settings under File System Properties. I am not sure though what it is, but you can take a look") means, or how it applies to my question.

Could you elaborate, or tell me what you mean?

Thanks for your assistance... WWR