Forum: Suggestions
Topic: New function for easyboot
started by: luluthefirst

Posted by luluthefirst on Jun. 27 2009,15:08
hello, i'm proposing to ADD somes commands of magiciso, but first, i will show command but need to ask the guy that created magiciso for these command!


OnKey: onkey check for keypress Syntax: onkey <key> <command>
KeyVal: keyval print value of last getkey Syntax: keyval
GetKey:getkey read a key from the keyboard Syntax: getkey [<timeout> <key>]
GoTo: goto jump to label (in batch file) Syntax: goto <label>
Print: print show the text on the screen Syntax: print <String>
Batch: batch run batchfile Syntax: batch <filename> [<label>]
Echo: echo turn command echoing on or off Syntax: echo [on/off]
Test: test test command (for development) Syntax: test [<arg1> <arg2>]

Aslo, it can run a MBT file (Batch File) like MS-DOS Batch File but there is a Linux Batch File^^
UltraIso include that too?
You need the right of magiciso for including theses commands to easyboot but i don't know the name of the guy that created magiciso

Posted by xoben on Jun. 28 2009,18:52
Do you mean commands of diskemu? It is ready for years at < > .
Posted by luluthefirst on Jun. 29 2009,12:47