Forum: Bugs
Topic: UI language is not consistent
started by: Raymai

Posted by Raymai on Dec. 22 2013,00:56
In UltraISO v9.6, I select English as my UI language, but the context menu uses other language that I don't understand... When the UI language is set to Dansk, the context menu uses English...

In the previous version UltraISO (v9.53), this doesn't happen so I think this is a new bug...

I attached a screenshot which show that the UI language is not consistent...

Posted by Raymai on Dec. 22 2013,01:10
Forgot to mention, this is tested on 32bit OS.
My friend who uses 64bit said he has no problem for this.

Posted by Pintin on Aug. 19 2014,17:14
Error Russification in the context menu

Error in file isoshell.dll.

Correctly so:

Please correct.