I'm making a multiboot DL DVD to include the following:
HIREN 10.1 (with mini XP) Acronis True Image 2010 Paragon Partition manager Kaspesky rescue disk Windows XP SP3 setup
plus' there is a folder with 3 Gb of drivers and software like Office 2007..
For the software folder I need long file names support' so I must check the Juliet, but to use grub4dos based booting I must also check "allow lower case". And of course, for XP setup' I need uppercase' so I also check Dos8.3.. So is it OK to check all ISO options? will "Juliet" effect the file structures of other folders on the ISO? I mean will the I386 folder files change to lower case if I also check Juliet and allow lowercase?
I don’t know if question is pointed to me  – anyway, I must admit that I have never created such a large build that you are in process to do – hmmm  I must say impressing.
Test to not check Dos8.3 Checking Juliet can sometimes mess things up (but not generally) it’s worth to try out. "allow lower case" must be checked.
Quote: “will "Juliet" affect the file structures of other folders on the ISO?” Well, this is an interesting question. Why not step into the world of  “test and trial and surprises”? It’s an exciting world with “river deep and mountain high” = problems to be solved you may call them
I would bee most pleased if you can inform forum in the progress of this project
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help fileHERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later