Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Sep. 05 2013,07:47 |
i have some broplems i need some one to help me to make my cd with easy boot >>
i have easy boot version
i want to make cd easy boot with windows 7 and windows xp3
how can i do that
plz help me in easy topic with pic if you can
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Sep. 05 2013,08:34 |
Welcome to EasyBoot @blackman
Quote: "cd easy boot with windows 7 and windows xp3"
Well you can for sure not use a CD but a DVD do work - however I'm sure you meant DVD
Anyway, this forum is full of explanation how this is done and I'm going to mentioned one more time as you are a 'rookie' Â in EasyBoot forum
Test this...
For Win7:
1. Copy (or extract from ISO-file) following folders; boot, efi, sources, support and finally folder upgrade to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot Continue copy (or extract from ISO-file) files; Â bootmgr and if present file bootmgr.efi to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot Optionally copy (or extract from ISO-file) file setup.exe to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot and rename setup.exe to setupwin7.exe Note1: I used UltraIso to open ISO-file and extracting files and folders to EasyBoot\disk1 Note2: Setup.exe can have a different name like 'install.exe' but is the same file
2. Use menu command: Â run \bootmgr
For WinXP_sp3:
1. Copy (or extract from ISO-file) all folders and files to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot
2. Check that you have a file: W2KSECT.BIN Â in folder EZBOOT it should be there already
3. Use menu command: Â run W2KSECT.BIN
When creating ISO in EasyBoot, don't tick 'Optimize' don't tick 'DOS(8.3) but you can tick 'Joliet' (good to have if later integrate Knoppix\Linux into EasyBoot)
That should do it
Edited by balder on Sep. 05 2013,15:42
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Sep. 05 2013,13:42 |
its not working
my dear i also tried to do this work but also its not working i am going to show you every thing by pic
i want to create a multiboot DVD with Win7 and XP SP3.
I did the following :
1) Make a folder named 'xpen' under 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
2) Copy 'win51' and 'win51p'and WIN51IP.SP3 (from root directory of original CD) to 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
3) Copy I386 folder to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen'
4) Copy wxp.bat from 'c:\easyboot\resource' to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen', and run it there
5) open ultraiso and then open image of xp  then save boot file in 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot' to a new file xpen.bin
6) Start EasyBoot, click 'Tools'->'Replace Text', browse file 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xpen.bin', and specify 'I386' as "Text to Replace", 'XPEN' as "Replace to", then click 'Replace', 1 occurence should be replaced
7) Do step 6 to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\setupldr.bin', and replace 'i386' to 'xpen', 4 occurences should be replaced
8) Open 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\txtsetup.sif' by NotePad (or UltraEdit), search for 'SetupSourcePath', and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPEN"] (not include [])
9) Set the menu item's command as 'run xpen.bin'
10) Save menu file
 for windows 7
1. Just copy dvd files to 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
2. Open ultra iso and open windows 7 image file and save boot file  to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot'  and named it with win7.bif
3. Change menu item command to 'run win7.bif'
4. Save menu file
at last make iso and check it on virtual pc.
i did every thing but it not working

plz show me the right way how to make  multiboot DVD with Win7 and XP SP3.
i use winbuilder_complete to make multiboot flash
Edited by blackman on Sep. 05 2013,13:45
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Sep. 05 2013,15:01 |
Quote: "plz show me the right way how to make  multiboot DVD with Win7 and XP SP3" ----------------------------------- First thing you must do is to upgrade EasyBoot to latest version, which is
You don't need a new licence-key - simply install over existing EasyBoot-files
If you refuse to use later version of EasyBoot you will be limited in a lot of ways You already have problems using version of EasyBoot (to old and limited functionality comparing to latest version)
Scenario one - use the latest version of EasyBoot:
In your post nr;3 you can skip all steps from 1 to 10 - not at all needed and totally waste of time and energy - Â further more - only works for English version of WinXP and not to XP_sp3 (Xp_sp1 English version might work - if you are lucky). Any other different language is guarantied to fail -so skip that xpen-folder
Note: using new folder-name (change name to folder i386) is only needed in case you are interested to have let's say server-2003 and WinXP in build which creates problems as we only can have one folder i386 on the root of EasyBoot (folder disk1 is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder) About having several NT5-systems (WinXP server-2003 belongs both to NT5-family comparing to Vista\Win7\Win8\Server-2008 belongs to the NT6-systems which can be good to know later on) Read about having several NT5-systems in build - read HERE
Do as told in post nr;2 regarding WinXP - this works Win7 is working if using tutorial in post nr;2
However above responds to using latest version of EasyBoot
-------------------------------------------------------- Scenario two - you refuse to update EasyBoot to latest version
Do as told in post nr;2 regarding WinXP - this works
Win7 is working if using tutorial in post nr;2 BUT you must use a 'kicker-image' (floppy-image) because you use a much to old EasyBoot. Download 'kicker'image' from my site HERE
Put floppy image 'setupnt6.img' to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run setupnt6.img
When creating ISO in EasyBoot, only tick 'Joliet' --------- EDIT
I notice this quote: "i use winbuilder_complete to make multiboot flash"
You are talking about creating a CD (DVD) which is possible But now you mean 'flash' - I guess you mean a USB stick\thumb-drive (sometimes called UFD=Usb-Flash-Drive)
You cannot use method quote: "use winbuilder_complete" This doesn't work as the 'root' is hided inside ISO-file - read HERE how it is done
Run setup of WinXP from USB is very different (WinXP is a NT5-system and not built to setup from USB - on the other hand, Win7\Win8 (which are NT6-systems) is very easy to setup from USB - at least if you only choose one at a time (in your case Win7)
I suggest you start with WinXP as Win7 is easy to solve
Finally... Nice screenshots you created @blackman
Edited by balder on Sep. 06 2013,03:45
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Sep. 07 2013,08:51 |
so brother i have download the latest version, which is will we start stip by stip agin --------------------------------------- It's nice with screenshots but take to much space - so I took me the freedom to delete picture - hope you don't mind Balder --------------------------------------
Edited by balder on Sep. 07 2013,11:08
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Sep. 07 2013,11:06 |
Quote: "i have download the latest version, which is"
Start with only testing with WinXP (leave Win7 out for the moment) Do it this way:
1. Check that you have a file 'W2KSECT.BIN' in folder EZBOOT (it should be there already when installing EasyBoot)
2. Copy 'win51' and 'win51p'and WIN51IP.SP3 and folder i386 (from root directory of original CD) to 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
3. Use menu command: run W2KSECT.BIN
4. When creating ISO in EasyBoot, don't tick 'Optimize' don't tick 'DOS(8.3)' and finally, don't tick 'Joliet' Note: you can tick 'Joliet' but really not needed as this is not any knoppix\linux distro we are dealing with here
You can test in 'Virtual PC', but make sure to use at least 500 MB RAM in Virtual PC
Attention-1! You cannot test A WinXP that is based on 32-bit in an 64-bit environment Let's say you integrate a WinXP_sp3-32bit and test this using Virtual PC that is run in Windows-64-bit system (WinXP-64-bit or Win7-64-bit it doesn't matter) - this do not work! Test must be performed in same 'bit-environment' as the actual WinXP you are trying to integrate into EasyBoot (most likely 32-bit system)
Attention-2! Above solution DO NOT work from USB drive - only from CD\DVD-unit (or tested in Virtual PC) Run setup of WinXP from USB drive can be performed but need some 'special solution' - tricky but possible
However let's start with the basic (WinXP from CD\DVD-unit, which is the same as test from Virtual PC and as told, use the same 'bit-version, which most likely is 32-bit in your case)
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Sep. 07 2013,13:55 |
every thing is working good testing with Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
now couldl we start with windows 7
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Sep. 07 2013,14:05 |
Quote: "couldl we start with windows 7"
The Win7 case...
1. Copy (or extract from ISO-file) following folders; boot, efi, sources, support and finally folder upgrade to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot Continue copy (or extract from ISO-file) files; bootmgr and if present file bootmgr.efi to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot
2. Use menu command: run \bootmgr
3. When creating ISO in EasyBoot, don't tick 'Optimize' don't tick 'DOS(8.3)' and finally, don't tick 'Joliet' Note: you can tick 'Joliet' but really not needed as this is not any knoppix\linux distro we are dealing with here
Note: Win7 can be tricky to test in Virtual PC as Win7 need more RAM to run okay - you must use at least 1GB RAM (recommended is 2 GB RAM in Virtual PC)
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Post Number: 9
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Sep. 08 2013,07:11 |
Quote: "its not working "
What is the size of created ISO (ISO created by EasyBoot)
If ISO exceeds 4 GB in size it most likely doesn't work EasyBoot have some problems creating large ISO-files (bad support to the UDF-format Universal Disk Format ) I noticed that folder 'source' itself is larger than 4 GB so the total build (ISO-file) is most likely much more than the limit of 4 GB that EasyBoot is able to correctly create
You cannot even fit this large ISO on to a DVD - your final build is to large in size
My guess is that you manage to launch setup of Win7 in Virtual PC, but then Virtual PC complains it cannot reach the 'install.wim-file' in an correct way - isn't that what happens
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