Forum: EasyBoot Topic: File Not Found! started by: slipknotfiend569 Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Dec. 05 2003,16:34
hey ppl, i just created my first boot menu but one problem it wont load any of the files in the menu! the menu works fine but it wont load any of the stupid files! theyre all either .img or .bin files,i used the run command to try to load them, and i have them in the ezboot directory. the menu is called tools (and so is the folder) so its liek ...\tools\ezboot\(all the files in here) when i go to make ISO the CD file directory is c:\program files\easy boot\tools and the boot image is C:\Program Files\EasyBoot\tools\ezboot\loader.bin can anyone tell me whats wrong here?
Posted by martinx on Dec. 06 2003,23:27
There is some error with your registry entries. Please re-setup EasyBoot, do not modify anything, and try to make a bootable ISO image first. Then you can modify the menu as you like to.
Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Dec. 07 2003,00:53
right after i posted this it worked for sum reason now all i have to do is get this #### exe file to run! ive converted it to just about everythign using ultraiso and it still doesnt wanna work!
Posted by martinx on Dec. 07 2003,05:02
To run DOS-based .EXE files, please refer to: <;f=1;t=4 >