Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Unique Problem started by: remyservices Posted by remyservices on Mar. 05 2004,22:13
Here is an interesting problem I have been trying to solve now for some time. I have made 3 dir's on my cd, one for xp, 2000, and 2k3 with the recovery console files in them. I have edited the required files to make these run but where I get stuck is on the ability to load the .bin's with the /cmdcons. right now I am using a seperat bif file to load each RC. Does anyone know how to load the bin (that the bif loades) with a paramiter, or know how to make the setup not try to install and go directlly into recovery console (pressing F10 works but would rather find another way)Another question is about folders on the cd
this can be found in the help file and this makes no since to me, I think they ment cd \; but even at that I cannot get this to work... I have about 10 menus and 30 img files and would like to be able to put these into folders per menu ie. \ezboot\dos \ezboot\pcdos but if I do this when I have the command as "cd \ezboot\dos\; run dos.ezb" it fails to work Has anyone been able to do as the help file suggests? I hope someone can help me out with these questions Posted by xoben on Mar. 06 2004,08:45
Please use the command as "cd dos;run dos.ezb". 1)EasyBoot use \ezboot as default directory, you start from here 2)If you want to change directory, you MUST go down levels one by one. For example, commands for run "\aaa\bbb\ccc.bif" is: "cd /;cd aaa;cd bbb;run ccc.bif" |