Forum: EasyBoot Topic: win 98 started by: chinthup Posted by chinthup on Mar. 07 2004,12:14
Is there any way that in win 98 we can do unattended installation file setup..this idea was orginal from 911 rescue uses MSBATCH.INF.I don't know if any one has build using 911 rescue CD and MSBATCH.INF is built by 911 rescue cd here it is looks like [version] Signature = "$CHICAGO$" [Setup] Express=0 ProductKey=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 InstallDir="C:\WINDOWS" InstallType=3 EBD=0 ShowEula=0 ChangeDir=1 OptionalComponents=1 Network=1 System=0 CCP=0 CleanBoot=0 Display=0 DevicePath=0 NoDirWarn=0 TimeZone="Egypt" Uninstall=0 NoPrompt2Boot=1 [NameAndOrg] Name=Chinthu Philip Org=By 911 Rescue CD Display=1 [Network] ComputerName=911PC Workgroup=PRESS_LTD Display=1 PrimaryLogon=Windows Clients=VREDIR Protocols=MSTCP Services=VSERVER Security=SHARE [MSTCP] LMHOSTS=1 LMHOSTPath="C:\WINDOWS\LMHOSTS" DHCP=1 DNS=0 WINS=D [VREDIR] LogonDomain="911CD.LOCAL" ValidatedLogon=0 [VSERVER] LMAnnounce=0 MaintainServerList=2 [Install] DelReg=DelRegistrySettings [DelRegistrySettings] HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Welcome So what u there any way we can do that.. Posted by urie on Mar. 07 2004,15:34
Hi chinthupJust copy your MSBATCH.INF into C:\EasyBoot\Disk1\WIN98\ and setup should run it from there. |