Forum: EasyBoot Topic: I still get the boot error started by: adynis Posted by adynis on Mar. 08 2004,16:09
I last used easyboot 4.56, a have rewrited all files, a made the cd, and whan I boot on my computer (on others it's working fine) it shows the first image, eblogo.bmp, then it loads the menu, without the background, ... it stays about one second, it gives an error on the first line of the monitor, I don't remember what it was saing, then it tries to reload the image, the background may or not appear, and it frees... sometimes my computer starts to beeepp... I tried without background... I don't know what it has.. There is no possibility to boot and then to write "run lalala.img" in place of risking not to work the graphic interface?... 10x Posted by xoben on Mar. 15 2004,20:42
You may set 'Wait Time' to '1' seconds. In this case, EasyBoot will run the default menu item very quickly.