Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Basic Help Needed Here started by: mayers57 Posted by mayers57 on Mar. 17 2004,18:06
I'll get right to it. I have 3 CDs, let's say, I want to load into the program. 3 Different menu entries that launch three different programs. Not sure where to begin....?I believe I need some hand holding here. Step by step docs would be nice, but can't seem to find any. Very vague.. I know how to load up xxx.img files. That works fine. I even got the BartPE CD loaded, but there was very specific help for that posted already. What do I do with the bootable CD's after you create the iso image? Not sure how to proceed and where to load them in the directory structure after that. It's not like I haven't tried. Sorry to be a bother, but the docs just aren't doing it for me. Any help would be appreciated,. Thanks.... Posted by xoben on Mar. 19 2004,23:49
Please see a previous topic < Boot ISO images with easyboot >