I have BIN images of two bootable disks BOOTCD1.BIN and BOOTCD2.BIN. Wanna make one multiboot ISO. The BIN files are in the D:\ Ezbsystems\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot. In the menue use ‘run BOOTCD1.BIN’ and ‘run BOOTCD2.BIN’. The resulting ISO is not bootable. Get error message – error loading image: cdmenu.ezb. Whats wrong, please help!
There are two kinds of image using the same extension .BIN: 1) A binary file introduced by DOS, which can be loaded to memory and run directly. EasyBoot wokrs with this kind of files. 2) A CD image file created by CDRWin, which is in ISO 9660 format. For using this kind of image, please refer to a previous topic here: http://www.ezbsys.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=1;t=38