Hello guys... I'd like to say that I've always loved UltraISO... the best ISO app in the world!
But I'm having a problrm... since I jumped into Windows 8, I just can't make UltraISO work.. I doesn't even OPEN.... Got the latest version from website.. installed... but when I run the app... well.. NOTHING happens... what could be happening... I'm now obligated using other soft (that I hate)....
Any1 could help me? Thanks and Happy NEW YEAR 4 ALL OF U !!!
luizmp I'm not able to give you any suggestions but I do have UltraISO installed and working on my Win8.1 x64 desktop. I had no issues installing on my clean build. I just upgraded to the current version and all is working without issue.
You might try uninstalling (I highly suggest that you use REVO Uninstaller, it does a much better job of removing registry entries and cleans up the HD) and then try reinstalling again.
I saw some other post regarding Win8. issues. You might try upgrading to Win8.1.