Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: Mar. 2011
Posted on: Apr. 01 2011,00:04 |
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Archive Content: - 9 steampunk wallpapers - 1 sample menu file (stmpnk.ezb)
How to use it: - Always keep backup before modifying any file. - Pick your background. - Using any image editor software put a logo in it (the background that you picked) and save with a different name (for using it as a logo file). - You can make some great looking logos online at - Save the background and logo files as bmp, 640x480, 256 color. - Copy the background, logo, and sample menu (stmpnk.ezb) to \disk1\ezboot. - Execute "stmpnk.ezb" - Modify the "Logo Image" and "Text Image" text boxes in Easyboot's "File" tab as needed picture. - You can achieve transparent menu by selecting the same color for "Back" and "Fore" in "Highlight" and "Normal" options under "Menu" tab picture. - For menu items, notice the pattern. Use some simple math to position your menu items as you want. - If all goes well this is one of the infinite possible outcomes.