Post Number: 1

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 2200
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Aug. 12 2011,09:47 |
1, What's new  +) Supports 24bit true color display mode  +) Supports Smooth Video display  +) Fast submenu switching  +) Can run bootable ISO image directly (such as Acronis, WinPE, UBCD, Hiren's Boot CD, etc)  +) Supports vfloppy functionality  +) New isolinux command, can pass commands or cfg file to isolinux  (for example: isolinux /myboot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg)  +) Can run ntldr/setupldr.bin/bootmgr/grldr  (for example: loadsegm 2000;run /wxpe/setupldr.bin)  *) Includes universal CD/DVD-ROM device driver for DOS environment (resource\eltorito.sys)  *) Some minor improvements and bug fixes
2, Download site  http://www.ezbsystems.com/easyboot/download.htm
3, Additional information QUOTE Updfate notice: Please re-save ALL old .ezb menu file made with EasyBoot V5 at least once to employ the new V6 kernel.
1) Run bootable ISO images     Syntax: run <filename>   Example:  run /iso/win7pe.iso       Tips:   Bootable ISO's works:       - ISO of Windows 7 PE       - EasyBoot based bootable ISO       - isolinux based bootable ISO (such as UBCD,  Hiren's Boot CD)       - Floppy emulated bootable ISO (such as Norton Ghost)       - Int 13 based no emulation bootable ISO (such as Acronis True Image)
  QUOTE Problem ISO's:        - Live Linux        - Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 setup CD        - Programs in ISO image which is based on linux kernel  may not work in full
2) New vfloppy command     Syntax: vfloppy     Example: vfloppy;run drivedsk.img;run w2ksect.bin   Description:    vfloppy is a switch variable. If it is switched on, the following 'run drivedsk.img' will emulate a floppy drive only (DO NOT BOOT), and Windows XP setup program ('run w2ksect.bin')may find device driver files from it.
 3) New isolinux command   Syntax: isolinux command/config_file   Example: Integrates two version of Hiren's Boot CD V9.9 and V13.2   - Open V9.9 ISO with UltraISO, press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyBoot\disk1   - Rename sub folder HBCD to HBCD99   - Open HBCD99\isolinux\isolinux.cfg with a text editor, replace all '\HBCD' to '\HBCD99' and save   - Open V13.2 ISO with UltraISO, press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyBoot\disk1, overwrite files exist   - Rename sub folder HBCD to HBCD132   - Open HBCD132\isolinux\isolinux.cfg with a text editor, replace all '\HBCD' to '\HBCD132' and save   - use 'isolinux /hbcd99/isolinux/isolinux.cfg' to run Hiren's Boot CD V9.9   - use 'isolinux /hbcd132/isolinux/isolinux.cfg' to run Hiren's Boot CD V13.2
  Note: 'memdisk' command is still availabe in V6, you may use 'memdisk setup98.img' to emulate a floppy image with isolinux/memdisk as before.
4) About eltorito.sys    Location: c:\easyboot\resource    Usage: Open a floppy image of DOS with UltraISO, add eltorito.sys to it, then modify config.sys and add the following line:        device=eltorito.sys /d:mscd001    Note: This device driver is device independent, it supports CD/DVD drive's with any kind of interface(IDE/SCSI/SATA/AHCI/USB) provided EasyBoot can boot from it properly.
Edited by xoben on Aug. 12 2011,23:14
Post Number: 2
Post Number: 3
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Sep. 08 2012,07:11 |
Wellcome to EasyBoot @sendaen
Quote: "Thanks, is also available on USB drive?"
Hmm.. Unsure what you mean
I guess you mean if EasyBoot can run from USB drive? And yes it can (has been solved several years ago, but now also has built-in option to 'Burn' to USB drive)
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Mar. 2011
Posted on: Apr. 18 2013,10:57 |
Hi xoben Thanks a lot For this topic (EasyBoot V6.0 is released - Run bootable ISO images) it's very usefull
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