Post Number: 11
Bowser N64 

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Posted on: May 22 2009,15:17 |
Hey I do not have my windows xp pro setup cd. Can I just use the files off the cd instead, such as the i386 folder? What do I need to copy? I want to setup windows xp pro on my computer which is screwed up. I need a clean install of windows xp pro. I need to install it from my 2GB USB drive. Can I use this program to make a USB drive with these files? If not, what program or method does? PLEASE HELP!
Edited by Bowser N64 on May 22 2009,15:21
Post Number: 12
Bowser N64 

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Posted on: May 22 2009,16:30 |
I tried to build to iso from i386 folder and got 31 errors. Same with to cd or dvd.
Post Number: 13
Bowser N64 

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Posted on: May 22 2009,19:17 |
I need to be able to boot xp frm my usb drive completely, without running windows on my hosed computer at all. I need to be able to repair my files and things, just like with the windows xp setup cd. Can I do this, is it possible?
Post Number: 14
Bowser N64 

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Posted on: May 24 2009,18:17 |
I did not mean to hijack this thread at all. Sorry. I will start my own topic.
Post Number: 15

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Posted on: May 30 2009,05:30 |
I have come to #7. the instalition on usb is finnish, and I try too boot from hdd, but nothings happend. i'm sure that is it right harddisk picked in bios settings....
Post Number: 16
Post Number: 17

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Posted on: Nov. 24 2009,02:29 |
You must setup Windows XP from cd-rom so go to bios,set you motherboard start from usb, then insert your usb (including your system) others same as cd-rom,next....i agree....yes...finish!
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Post Number: 18

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Posted on: Nov. 26 2009,16:42 |
Hi, I tried to install windows xp prof on my netbook Acer Aspire D150. It is a brand new netbook with windows home edition install on it
I managed to get until the windows installation after running the command
winnt32.exe /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource /noreboot
, insert the product key, refuse to convert to NTFS. But then, I got an error report: "No valid system partitions were found. Setup is unable to continue"
- Unfortunately Diskpart doesn't work - if i start the A43 Management utility program, I can see that under "My Computer" only following drives are available: Â - RAMDisk(B:) Â - BartPE(X:) --> the USB drive
so my questions are: - what is this RamDisk(B:) - why can't I see my C:\ drive? - I didn't reformat my harddisk before because I check in Computer Management and it lists the following: --> ACER (C:) Â - Partition - Basic - NTFS Â - No error(Systempartition) --> PQSERVICE Â - Partition - Basic - NTFS Â - No error(EISA-Configuration)
So I assumed it has only a primary partition which is NTFS-formatted, am I right?
Would be very grateful for any help
Edited by he_man2003 on Nov. 26 2009,16:45
Post Number: 19

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Posted on: Jan. 03 2010,22:57 |
If I slipstream Intel AHCI drivers before making the USB with PE Builder, will I have problems?
Im asking since Im having the same problem as he_man and I think its because we need to slipstream drivers before making the USB.
When I try to slipstream the Intel AHCI drivers, I start making the iso with Pert PE and when its done building it, it says "warnings 1", it says iaStor.sys could not be found.
Any help please?
Edited by slim142 on Jan. 03 2010,23:14
Post Number: 20

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2010,10:57 |
The problem you appear to be facing is that BartPE is not recognising your hard drive (iaStor.sys is the mass storage driver).
You could manually add the correct driver to your pebuilder folder, and then recompile a new iso/usb.
For example: copy custom disk drivers to \pebuilder\drivers\SCSIAdapters\somedisk_driver_folder_name
I did have ONE instance of a NETWORK driver that would not compile into my BartPE disk. I have never seen a mass storage driver fail to compile in. To resolve my network driver, I just manually copied the following files over to the following folders inside of the pebuilder...
E1y5132.inf > I386\INF
e1y5132.din e1000msg.dll nicco2.dll NicInstE.dll > I386\SYSTEM32
e1y5132.sys > I386\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
However, I have found that I get just as good of results, for installs, using the WinPE 2.0 or WinPE 3.0 disks. I expecially like using WinPE 3.0 (created on a windows 7 machine) because it doesn't need any drivers manually compiled into it. It has worked on every platform I've tried it on.
I make my WinPE 3.0 iso/usb like this...
From a Windows 7 machine, download and install the Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit. Burn downloaded iso into a DVD. Install Win 7 AIK from DVD.
:: :: if exist, delete c:\pebuild folder :: :: create c:\petemp folder :: :: start > all programs > microsoft windows aik > deployment tools command prompt (run as administrator) :: ::
set temp=c:\petemp set tmp=c:\petemp
copype x86 c:\pebuild imagex /mountrw winpe.wim 1 mount
:: :: :: copy startup script, ghost32.exe, gdisk.exe, etc to c:\pebuild\mount\windows :: :: edit c:\pebuild\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd :: and add startup.bat under the wpeinit command :: :: search entire pebuild folder for bootfix.bin and delete all instances (three) :: this will stop the "press any key to boot from cd" message from showing up ::
imagex /unmount mount /commit
:: :: :: copy c:\pebuild\winpe.wim c:\pebuild\iso\sources\boot.wim :: ::
oscdimg -n -b"c:\program files\windows aik\tools\petools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com" c:\pebuild\iso c:\pebuild\somename.iso
:: :: :: somename.iso is now ready to be burned to a cd ::
:: :: :: if a jumpdrive is desired, do the following on a windows 7 system... :: :: install jumpdrive :: :: open command prompt :: ::
diskpart select disk 1 clean create partition primary select partition 1 active format fs=NTFS assign exit
:: :: :: copy the contents of c:\pebuild\ISO\ to jumpdrive :: :: jumpdrive is now bootable and contains the files needed to image a computer :: ::
Now you can use the Win7PE disk to get a network/usb/external hdd connection to the XP/i386 files you need to complete your install.
ie: net use "some location" winnt32 /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /makelocalsource
If your XP/i386 files  are also missing your mass storage drivers, you should use a program like nLITE to slipstream them into package before trying an installation, or you will be seeing a STOP 0x7B code during install
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