Post Number: 101
Posted on: Sep. 22 2004,07:16 |
Hi all,
I need some help getting Windows ME to work. I would like to keep the original structure of the CDROM.
Like so: \WINME - all of the windows me files
this the only operating system i can't get to work
Post Number: 102

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted on: Sep. 22 2004,08:06 |
Hi i want it to make a boot cd only for partition magic and norton ghost, but i dont know how to make my floppy's a .bin file or ? I have make startup disk image from floppy.. but how to put pqmagic and ghost in cd ...i red in forum that easyboot dont start .exe/.bat files anyone can help me???
Edited by Gitaristi on Sep. 22 2004,08:19
Post Number: 103
Posted on: Sep. 24 2004,17:50 |
Hello Gitaristi...
Ghost and partition magic in EasyBoot…
Create a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and put ghost.exe in this folder. NOTE!!! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and even supports NTFS.
Use WinXP (or WinMe, Win98) to create a bootable floppy, or download from Internet: http://freepctech.com/pc/002/files010.shtml choose to download “MS Windows XP System setup disk” and make a new fresh boot floppy using downloaded boot-floppy-file.
Edit Autoexec.bat on your new boot floppy. Autoexec.bat should look like this (delete other text):
@echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R: R:\ghost\ghost.exe -------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato LASTDRIVE=Z -------------------------------------------------- Create the bootable image using this floppy. Use this image in Easyboot as usually.
As you can figure out above, the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter X. That means you have to start from unit one of CD/DVD-readers, not the second unit (in case there are several CD/DVD units).
-------------------------------------- Partition magic. Basically the same procedure, but of course different path and some more files in another folder (name folder pq , and put necessary files according to partition magic in this “pq”-folder). NOTE!!! You can only use partition magic.exe intended for DOS-environments.
Autoexec.bat should look like this (delete other text):
@echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R: R:\pq\pqmagic.exe -------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
It is also possible to create mouse support. Put command in Autoexec (like “mouse.exe” if that’s the name of mouse support). Have a nice day...
Post Number: 104
Posted on: Sep. 24 2004,17:56 |
Hello again David!
Windows me and EasyBoot...
Create a folder named winme in easyboot\disk1 and put all files from winme-CD in this folder (every cab-file and so on, in fact every file!). Use WinXP (or WinMe, Win98) to create a bootable floppy, or download from Internet: http://freepctech.com/pc/002/files010.shtml choose to download “MS Windows XP System setup disk” and make a new fresh boot floppy using downloaded boot-floppy-file.
Edit Autoexec.bat on your new boot floppy. Autoexec.bat should look like this (delete other text):
@echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R: R:\winme\install.exe -------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato -------------------------------------------------- Create the bootable image using this floppy. Use this image in Easyboot as usually.
As you can figure out above, the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter X. That means you have to start from unit one of CD/DVD-readers, not the second unit (in case there are several CD/DVD units).
Note: It´s very easy to combine this with unattended installation if you would like. Create a “msbatch.inf” file and place it in the winme-folder to fix this.
Post Number: 105
Posted on: Sep. 25 2004,07:14 |
Hi David! Forgot to mention that WinMe needs FAT32 (but you probably already now that?).
Secondly, a good advice: if running WinMe, deactivate “System restore”-function. System restore in WinMe is probably the most instable function that Microsoft has developed.
Without System restore, WinMe is just as stable as Win98. That means (he, he, he): still far from 100% stable.
Post Number: 106
Posted on: Sep. 27 2004,19:52 |
Followed guide in first post to create a win 2000 & XP dual boot dvd.
XP bots ok, But win 2000 will not go past the "setup is inspecting your computers hardware configuration" stage.
Any ideas anyone please ?
Post Number: 107

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: Jun. 2004
Posted on: Sep. 29 2004,22:40 |
Dear Friend
I am using Power Quest drive image 2002 to make my Harddrive image file Backup. I want to create bootable disk (DVD) image source via dvd. I tried to create image file of drive image2002, it's have need two disk. Since I create image and put to dvd, I am not succed to boot from dvd. Could you help me please I need image file of; 1. Drive image 2002 2. Drive image 7 ( it's different boot, same like windows bootable dis).
Thank you
Post Number: 108
Posted on: Sep. 30 2004,09:55 |
About Windows me and EasyBoot. Terribly sorry - Wrong path!!!!!!
Edit Autoexec.bat It should look like this:
@echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R:\winme install.exe
Really sorry. He, He, He seems that I forgot to “light up” my brain when I wrote this.
Post Number: 109
Posted on: Sep. 30 2004,10:02 |
Hello dmardenda!
Well, not sure if I’m the target of this question from you dmardenda? However, here’s the answer on your request.
Dear user of EasyBoot (I’m not consider myself an expert in any way – maybe more like a amateur – just trying to do my very best). I have been tested this just a couple of minutes ago.
Please note that this is a generally example how to create a DOS-environment using Easyboot together with Drive image 2002. It’s good if you are familiar with DOS-environments, and watch out for troubles according to the differences between NTFS and FAT32-filessystems. ----------------------------------------------- Create your Drive image file and move this image (a large one you said?) to appropriate folder (easyboot\disk1).
Create a folder named pqdi in EasyBoot\disk1 Copy necessary files according to Drive image 2002 to this new folder named pqdi, that would bee this files: Pqdi.ovl, Dihelp.dat, Pqdi.rtc, Pqdi.pqg, and finally Pqdi.exe
Download boot disk from here: http://freepctech.com/pc/002/files010.shtml choose to download “MS Windows XP System setup disk” and make a new fresh boot floppy using downloaded boot-floppy-file. Note: This boot disk has built in ps/2-mouse support. ----------------------------------------------- Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text):
@echo off mouse MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R:\pqdi pqdi.exe -------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1f0,14 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,15 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,12 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,11 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,9
Note: As you can figure out above (in Autoexec.bat), the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter R ----------------------------- Create bootimage with this boot floppy as source and name it something like: pqdi.ima (Note: not pqdi.imz that’s wrong format!). Use this image to start power quest drive image in EasyBoot as usual (run pqdi.ima).
How to create bootable image? Well use Winimage: http://www.winimage.com/download.htm
Hope my English was readable?
Post Number: 110
Posted on: Sep. 30 2004,10:05 |
Dmardenda here comes Drive image 7…
Guess that ”Drive image 7” is Symantec ghost version 7.0?
Loading ghost-image using Easyboot.
Please note that this is a generally example how to create a DOS-environment using Easyboot together with Ghost. It’s good if you are familiar with DOS-environments, and watch out for troubles according to the differences between NTFS and FAT32-filessystems. ----------------------------------------------- Create your ghost-image and move this ghost-image to appropriate folder (easyboot\disk1).
Create a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and put ghost.exe in this folder. Attention! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and supports NTFS. Create a boot disk in the same way that’s been showed in earlier example (Drive image 2002). Edit Autoexec.bat ------------------------------------------------- Autoexec.bat should look like this:
@echo off mouse MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R:\ghost ghost.exe
-------------------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1f0,14 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,15 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,12 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,11 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,9
Note: As you can figure out above (in Autoexec.bat), the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter R -------------------------------------------------- Create the bootable image using this floppy. Name it something like ghost.ima. Use this image in Easyboot to start ghost.
Hope my English was readable?
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