Post Number: 91
Posted on: Sep. 03 2004,13:12 |
Seems that the 2003.bat file doesn't copy all the required files for setup. You need to copy all of the contents in the I386 directory.
Also becarefull what you name your directory
Post Number: 92
Posted on: Sep. 03 2004,13:57 |
Good news about WinXP. Always nice with feedback, especially if it works out…
I hope you understand that all stuff according to install/set-up procedure in DOS must be done on partitions with file system FAT32 and not NTFS. If installing on NTFS you need up to 6 floppies!!! However installing on FAT32 and then later convert to NTFS (if you want to) is quite easy.
But now to the issue installing win 2003 server. Test this: Create a folder named 2003serv in EasyBoot\disk1 Copy all stuff from CD containing 2003 server OS to folder “2003serv” It should no look like this: EasyBoot\disk1\2003serv\i386
Download boot floppy from: http://freepctech.com/pc/002/files010.shtml choose to download “MS Windows XP System setup disk” and make a new fresh boot floppy using downloaded boot-floppy-file. If you consider using unattended installation, don’t forget to copy unattend.txt to this new boot floppy. Edit Autoexec.bat on your new boot floppy. Autoexec.bat should look like this (delete other text):
@echo off a:\smartdrv.exe MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R Rem delete next line “copy a:unattend.txt c:” to avoid unattended installation. copy a:unattend.txt c: PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R: set SetupFiles=R:\2003serv\i386 rem delete last part of next line “/u:C:\unattend.txt” to avoid unattended installation R:\2003serv\I386\winnt /s:%SetupFiles% /u:C:\unattend.txt -------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato LASTDRIVE=Z ---------------------------------------- Create an image with this boot floppy as source. Name it something like: 2003serv (note: max 8 letters) Use it in EasyBoot as usual. Give it a try…
Post Number: 93
Posted on: Sep. 03 2004,16:09 |
if you use the tool cdimage (search google theres also cdimagegui for those that dont like cmd) you can setup it up to make an iso using dupes of files that are the same to save space (lots of space if you want 2k/xp/2k3 on the same cd)
it didnt seem to be mentioned in this thread so i thought i would
Post Number: 94

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted on: Sep. 05 2004,20:54 |
eureka - Do you have some reference you can provide as to how to take the 6 floppy WinXP setup (from MS) and create the boot image for easyboot? Â I use NTFS. Â Spent the better of the last three days trying to get this to work without success. Â I can get 8 simple boot images to work (all IMA) but unable to get complex ISO w/BIN images to boot correctly. Â Such as: WinXP, Acronis True Image & Acronis DriveCleanser.) Â Any concrete concise feedback is greatly appreciated.
Edited by Zardoz2293 on Sep. 05 2004,20:55
Post Number: 95
Posted on: Sep. 06 2004,04:46 |
Well Zardoz2293… Good question from you - perhaps bad answer from me…? Have been struggle with the same idea (using those boot floppies) - without success.
Found a program that might help us “getting up on the highway”. Test BalderMultiboot http://www.balder.ms/multiboot/ Bye using BalderMultiboot I have now successfully combined Bart PE and WinXP_pro, together with EasyBoot.
If using “Balder” you have to edit bootsect.bin (you may use w2ksect.bin) and with help of “Hex Workshop” http://www.bpsoft.com/ make necessary changes in bootsector, meaning; pointing to right “boot-directory”. Last issue is in fact not that difficult to achieve, (as it might look like).
Using BalderMultiboot Please note: you can only create one OS at time, using BalderMultiboot in “Demo Edition-mode”
When Balder is finished, (creating two directories, probably in “My documents\My multiboot\MBRoot”), inside directory MBRoot you should have 2 folders, named something like: “English” with subdirectories, and a second folder named “Xp01” (if using WinXpro). Copy both folders to EasyBoot\disk1 IMPORTANT: “Xp01” is the “boot-directory” that bootsect.bin, must be edited to point to. Note: “English” might have a different name, and the same with “Xp01”, according to language and/or OS (and of course different OS as well).
Using Hex Workshop. Open a bootsect.bin-file (use w2ksect.bin) with Hex Workshop. Scroll down until you see the following text in the right hand side “SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINI386” (no quotes). All we're concerned with is I386. It’s those letters (and numbers) that are pointing to the “boot-directory”. In this example it should instead point to “boot-directory” “XP01” (no quotes). To achieve this, do as followed: DO NOT USE DELETE OR SPACE! Just place the marker in front of I386 and write XP01 and STOP WRITING THERE! - only those 4 letters/numbers, not more or less (note: letters must be written as capitals). 0= not O it’s a zero(0). Choose to “Save as”, (perhaps with a name like “winxp.bin”). Use “winxp.bin” in EasyBoot to start set-up/installation of WinXPpro, (that’s been used in this example).
However, I have been trying the same with OS like: 2000server (no success), 2000pro (no success) but WinXPpro works perfect. Why??? Seems that BalderMultiboot are optimised according to newer OS, or what??? But to achieve “multiOS” I personally use DOS (winnt.exe), for those OS that wont work the “NTFS-way” (look in to earlier comments from me).
Well, hope my English was readable…
Post Number: 96
Posted on: Sep. 06 2004,10:12 |
eureka - This works for booting froma cd/dvd but not from vmware can you help.
Is there a similar method for 2000
Thanks for the help
Post Number: 97
Posted on: Sep. 06 2004,12:03 |
Hello David!
Quote: This works for booting from a cd/dvd but not from vmware can you help….
Works from DVD? You mean that you actually have created a DVD, holding several OS and bye using BalderMultiboot (that I suggested) now have achieved an DVD – (using EasyBoot) - now can setup different OS (like WinXp_pro and/or 2003server and so on) is that what you are saying? Please confirm!!!
About vmware, am I not much to help. I’m using “Microsoft virtual PC”. Thought it should be better synchronized with Microsoft’s own software (sometimes it doesn’t look so).
I’m not the owner of DVD-burner, witch highly limits my ability to fully participate in our efforts to make a multiboot-DVD, using EasyBoot. I need help and support from you gentlemen (and ladies not to forget!). Seems that some of you, have the technically capacity to test my suggestions. Hope you all don’t mind.
Post Number: 98
Posted on: Sep. 07 2004,11:35 |
Hi eureka, I am now able to confirm that yes I have, winxp, w2kPro, w2kserver, and all the Server 2003 family working from a bootable dvd.
However using this method does mean that i can't use it in vmware. As I get the following message:
An Internal Setup error has occured.
Could not find a place for a swap file
Setup cannot continue. Press ENTER to exit.
I am aware you are unable to give suggestions, but I wondered if anyone else has any ideas.
Thanks for your help
Post Number: 99
Posted on: Sep. 07 2004,13:22 |
Hi David,
First of all. Congratulations to you from me.
Quote: “An Internal Setup error has occurred. Could not find a place for a swap file…” Well don’t be sorry about that, because it’s the same problems with “Microsoft Virtual PC”.
Please kill my curiosity and answer this last questions. 1. Do you on this “super-DVD” use EasyBoot as supposed? 2. Did you use BalderMultiboot to achieve all this?
To all people ATTENTION: Read this if some other problems occur: http://bootcd.narod.ru/ntbootbin_e.htm
Again congratulations David.
He, he nice with positive feedback.
Post Number: 100
Posted on: Sep. 08 2004,05:02 |
To accomplish this multiboot dvd I used, EasyBoot. With a variety of other tools
Thanks again for your help
Would be good if EasyBoot came with the boot images needed
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