Post Number: 161
Posted on: Oct. 16 2005,13:43 |
To JekaCh
Great to hear that you solved your problems so far. Have you tested fully out? I mean the procedure with copying files and rebooting computer (using Virtuell PC or whatever).
Common problems are that people forget to put ident files not only on the root (EasyBoot\disk1), but also (in this case) folder RUK2. Make sure you have all the three win51, win51ip and/or win51ip.sp2 files in the root directory as well as in the “Setup-folder” (RUK2).
Notice (extra) different ident files depending to different system.
XP Professional: Win51ip.sp1 - sp1 ident file Win51ip.sp2 - sp2 ident file
XP Home: Win51ic.sp1 - sp1 ident file Win51ic.sp2 - sp2 ident file
And others according to Win2000 and so on…
Finally: Thanks for nice feedback!
Post Number: 162
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,03:33 |
D*MN, can't get it to work like it should :S
I have 2 xp installations on 1 cd (both xp pro, one is unattended, the other is just a stripped xp installation).
the menu shows up like it should, and setup starts too, but then the error shows up that the eula.txt cannot be found.
I have 2 directories for each windows installation, the structure is like this:
ezboot WXP1 - ASMS - LANG - SYSTEM32 - $OEM$ (this dir is for the extra software in the unattended cd)
I changed the sourcepath entry in the txtsetup files to WXP1 and WXP2, but the error keeps coming.
I also checked if the win51*** files are in the dirs, and they are.
I don't know how to fix it, any idea's?
Post Number: 163
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,04:33 |
To V3N0M
Test following: Make sure that you don’t have this files in WXP1 or WXP2: “1394VDBG.sy_” and “Txtsetup.si_”, if so, delete this two. In same time, make sure you have winnt.sif in WXP1 and WXP2 (not in i386!).
Finally, make sure you have this in winnt.sif: Â MsDosInitiated="0"
Post Number: 164
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,04:44 |
Thanks for the quick response.
I just made a new iso, and I changed the entry in txtsetup.sif to "./wxp1", maybe that works (will check it out in a few minutes).
if that doesn't work, I'll try your suggestions, but you said "not in I386", but I don't have an I386 directory on my xpcd, do you mean that the WXP1 and WXP2 dirs have to be in the I386 dir?
Post Number: 165
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,05:13 |
:S, my solution didn't work, but I don't know which I386 directory you mean, because I have one on the original XP cd, but not on the multiboot CD (after running the wxp.bat, files are moved, and the I386 is gone).
should I copy my windows cd to the WXP1 dir, and skip the wxp.bat?
Post Number: 166
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,05:32 |
To V3N0M
WXP1 must be the ”setup-folder”. In here you have “setup-files”, AND FOLDER i386!!!!!!!!
Attention: In txtsetup.sif, setupsource must look like this: Â \wxp1\
Structure should look like this:
EasyBoot\disk1\WXP1\i386 EasyBoot\disk1\WXP1\SYSTEM32 EasyBoot\disk1\WXP1\(all necessary files to initiate setup, witch is plenty of files, including txtsetup.sif and winnt.sif)
The same with WXP2-folder.
Note: This WXP1(or WXP2)-folders is only a subdirectory for holding setup-files.
A brief explanation how it works: When you start setup (running equivalent “w2ksect.bin”) this starts setupldr.bin in folder WXP1 (or WXP2). Files are then copied to two different folders on [C:] (one boot-folder and another folder holding installation-files). When finished, computer reboots and continue installation. Note: Setup program still needs to have CD/DVD in reader-unit!
Some point about OEM-folder: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;314479
Post Number: 167
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,05:36 |
sorry for all the questions, but which files have to be in the I386 dir?, or is it just an empty directory.
I'll dump the contents of the wxp1 and wxp2 dirs, and recopy the cd to them. should I use the wxp.bat file?
Post Number: 168
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,06:00 |
To V3N0M
He, he talking about quick replay… I’m not that fast on keyboard…
You need folder i386 in WXP1 (WXP2). AND DO NOT rename it to I386
Step 1: I quote from “practical guide”: “Copy i386 folder to….” (in your case C:\EasyBoot\disk1\WXP1 (the same with WXP2).
Step 2: Copy wxp.bat from 'c:\easyboot\resource' to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\WXP1' and run wxp.bat from there. Same with WXP2.
Step 3: Make changes in txtsetup.sif (in WXP1 not txtsetup.sif in i386, you can delete file in i386) and finally inject your winnt.sif (unattended file) to WXP1 and WXP2.
Post Number: 169
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,06:03 |
To V3N0M
Don’t forget ident files (win51ip and that stuff) you need them on the root (EasyBoot\disk1) and in WXP1 (WXP2) as well (not in i386).
Post Number: 170
Posted on: Oct. 24 2005,06:08 |
To V3N0M
It seems to me that you have reduced the source (i386) Did you use nLight to this? If this is the case, you need to do some more stuff to get it running smooth.