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Topic: How to make a Windows 98/2000/XP bootable DVD< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 191

PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2005,17:17  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To Legnad

If creating ISO with EasyBoot, don’t activate “DOS(83)” or “Joliet”, only activate “Optimize”.

Regards eureka

 Post Number: 192

PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2005,17:25 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

same problem with windows server 2003 enterprise.

 Post Number: 193

PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2005,17:28 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

well, i didn't even aktivate "Opmitize".

PS: thanks for your help a lot. seems you're very active in this forum. i read your name very often here. ;) where arer you from?

greetz Legnad

 Post Number: 194

PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2005,17:56 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hmm, i solved this problem but now "NTDETECT failed" at the major startup of the setup.
1. i forgot to copy this file "CDROM_IP.5" to "EasyBoot\disk1"
2. then there was the "VGA850.FON" error. ive added copy "VGA850.FO_ " at the end of the "w2k.bat" then i ran it.
3. now i have the "NTDETECT"-error. :(

it wont work in 1000years. i'll never get it :(

 Post Number: 195

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,01:06 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To Legnad

Please, use “Gosh way” (“reducing size”) to make things run smooth. Link here:

The main point with using “Gosh way” is, that in this way we produce a well working boot-folder.
If using “Gosh way”, don’t forget what I have mentioned about boot.ini.

Unfortunately I don’t have win2003, witch is a huge drawback for me.
Seems that win2003 server is a little bit tricky?


 Post Number: 196

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,02:29 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To Legnad

Some help to explain…

Quote: ”now "NTDETECT failed" at the major startup of the setup”.
You mean when computer reboots (finished copying files)?
If so, this "NTDETECT"-error is caused by the fact that you don’t have necessary ident-files on the “second root”.
Ident-files ("CDROM_IP.5" and more files) must reside on the root [C:] and on “second root” witch is folder below i386. Example in your case:

EasyBoot\disk1\ CDROM_IP.5 (and more ident-files, because this is “the primary root”)
EasyBoot\disk1\ WN03\ CDROM_IP.5 (and more files, and a bunch of setup-files. Note: this is “the second root”)
EasyBoot\disk1\ WN03\i386\ (ident-files not necessary in here)

A brief explanation how it works: When you start setup (running equivalent “w2ksect.bin”) this starts setupldr.bin in folder WN03, and setup is looking on the root [C:] (“primary root”) for CDROM_IP.5 (and more ident-files).
Files from i386 are then copied to two different folders on [C:] (one boot-folder and another folder holding installation-files). When finished, computer reboots and continues installation. Installation program now looks on the “second root”, witch is WN03 (you have changed this in “txtsetup.sif\Setupsource”. That’s why you need ident-files in two places.
Note: Setup-program still needs to have CD/DVD in reader-unit!


 Post Number: 197

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,06:50 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hm you've got to know that i'm talking about win 2k. the ntdetect-error is at the start of the installation (directly after boot). i select the win2k setup in my boot-menu and then there it is. the ntdetect-error is before the "vga850.fon". strange.

i need a new structured manual how to add windows 2000 pro setup to the bootmenu/bootdvd. the one in easyboot help doesn't work. windows xp SP2 works, but windows 2000 and (server) 2003  don't.

greetz Legnad

 Post Number: 198

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,07:02 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

aah, seems like it works. i've copied the "I386" from the cd in "...\disk1" and renamed it into "MW2K" (..\disk1\MW2K\). then i copied these "cdrom_nt.5" and "cdrom_ip.5"-files into "..\disk1" AND "..\disk1\MW2K\" as you said, and it seems to work. But i haven't got a "I386"-directory in "..\disk1\MW2K" which will be used later (as you say). that would mean that it doesn't work again... as i say: it won't work, neither in 1000 years.

**PLING** i know! im so dumb and i've copied the whole I386-directory because of the "vga850.fo_"-error. i only need these "vga*.fon" / "vga*.fo_" files!

i hope it works. ;)
if it works i'll write a structured manual here.

 Post Number: 199

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,07:26 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To Legnad

Please, use “Gosh way” (“reducing size”) to make things run smooth. Link here:

The main point with using “Gosh way” is, that in this way we produce a well working boot-folder.
If using “Gosh way”, don’t forget what I have mentioned about boot.ini.


 Post Number: 200

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,07:46 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

ok, it works. i can create a new w2k.bat, because there are some files missing that have to be copied.

and some KBD... .dll files

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